Cabrini POD

Msgr. McCormac's Homily for The 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 11, 2024

St. Frances Cabrini Digital Communications Ministry

In today's homily, Msgr. McCormac discusses Jesus's words to His followers. Known as the "Bread of Life Discourse", Jesus makes clear that as believers, we are to eat His Body and drink His Blood. He knew these words were too much for some of His followers, but continued to explain that anyone who eats His body and drinks His blood, even though they would die, would live forever with Him in heaven. This beautiful teaching, which sets our Catholic Church apart from our separated christian brothers and sisters, is a beautiful gift that Jesus leaves to His people.  When we say "amen" at communion time, we say "YES", we believe that the same wafer has been changed into the body of Christ. Let us renew our gratitude to Jesus for himself in the Eucharist, and for our Catholic Faith. Please share this podcast with someone whose heart is open to its message. Have a blessed week.