Cabrini POD

Msgr. McCormac's Homily for The 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 13, 2024

St. Frances Cabrini Digital Communications Ministry

In today's homily, Msgr. McCormac discusses the meaning of today's Gospel. When speaking to the wealthy man, Jesus instructs him that in order to follow Jesus, he must take up his cross, sell his possessions to help the poor, and follow Him. He finds this too big of an ask, and does not want to part with his possessions. Jesus is also speaking to us as He did to the wealthy man. Msgr. gives us two examples of people who have publicly picked up their cross and given everything that they have to the Lord. Listen to Monsignor's message again, and ask yourself "What is Jesus speaking to me?" Please share this Podcast with a family member or friend, and have a blessed week.