Cabrini POD
What is Cabrini POD? It is the place where you will find homilies, messages, and other short audio files that you can download to your Smartphone, tablet, or just about anywhere! Think of it as a opportunity to allow our Lord to speak to you anytime, anywhere. Re-listen to Sunday's homily when you take that walk, or while you exercise, or when the children fall asleep. Produced by St. Frances Cabrini Parish in Fairless Hills, PA
Cabrini POD
Msgr. Magee's Homily for The 3rd Sunday of Advent - December 15, 2024
St. Frances Cabrini Digital Communications Ministry
Today is Gaudete Sunday. We light the "rose" color candle on the Advent wreath, and father's vestments are also "rose". Msgr. Magee helps us to see the hope that comes from the readings, and how our Lord reassures us that He would send us one that would save us. Reflect on today's homily, and take some time to reflect on Jesus's birth at Christmas. May you experience joy and abundant blessings this Christmas Season!!