Cabrini POD
Cabrini POD
Deacon Lou Hoelzle's Homily for The 4th Sunday of Advent - December 22, 2024
In today's homily, Deacon Lou asks the question, "are you feeling the true spirit of Christmas"? With expectations high for family gathering, gift giving, and so forth, many become frustrated and tired from chasing happiness that may seem elusive. In the old testament, we know that the people were waiting for a mighty king who would rule with power and strength. God had other plans. He sends a king who is born in a simple stable, surrounded by Mary, Joseph, shepherds, and animals. Deacon Lou reminds us that true happiness isn't necessarily found in the big things, but in the little, simple things. Listen and reflect on the message of this homily, and may it help you to find the joy and peace that you are searching for on this Christmas Day. Please share this Podcast with a family member or a friend. Merry Christmas to you, our dear listeners!!